Tennis Elbow

Get Doctors for Tennis Elbow in Pimpri-Chinchwad at Health Box Polyclinic

Doctors for Tennis Elbow in Pimpri-Chinchwad

Elbow pain is most commonly felt on the outside part of the elbow, but may also be felt down the forearm and even into the hands. There are many different types and causes of elbow pain. The most common type of elbow pain treated by Health Box Polyclinic is Tennis Elbow.

As a first point relief, people will most often reach for medication. Such examples include: paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin. Your doctor may even prescribe you something stronger if appropriate. However, if and when the pain does not resolve overtime, people will begin to try different methods of treatment. Health Box Polyclinic is able to help through different treatment modalities.

What is tennis elbow and how do you treat it?

Tennis elbow is inflammation or pain on the outside part of the forearm. There are usually some tender spots in the muscle and the tendon. Movements of the elbow and the hand may result in pain. There are many causes of tennis elbow and Health Box Polyclinic, through systematic assessment, is able to pinpoint the problem and effectively treat it!

The most common cause is overuse of the hand/forearm and activities that involve heavy gripping, such as playing tennis or badminton. Tennis elbow may even occur when constantly working with heavy machineries. However, the problem is not that simple. Most of the times, there are usually problems in regards to the technique of the action; for example, hitting the ball with the wrong method. When you use the wrong technique, you are applying increased tension to the muscles in your forearm. With the right technique however, you reduce the tension!

At Health Box Polyclinic, your physiotherapist will provide effective and proven treatment technique. Not only that, but they can also provide postural and ergonomic advice to reduce unnecessary tension in your forearm. All of these combine to make sure you’re back at work or out in the court.

How to Reduce Pain and Promote Healing of Tennis Elbow

Some modalities to reduce pain would include:

  • Regular application of ice to the area
  • Taping the elbow, or using a brace, as per your Physiotherapist’s instructions
  • Taking anti-inflammatories
  • Avoiding movements that cause unnecessary pressure or stress through the forearm muscles and elbow

When the pain and discomfort have begun to subside, your Physiotherapist will take you through some specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons surrounding the elbow. There will be specific movements that you will be advised to avoid. This will include any activity that causes pain to the elbow either during or afterwards.

Your recovery may also be assisted with taping of the elbow / forearm or the use of a specific brace fitted by your Physiotherapist.

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