Get to Know Top 6 Myths & Facts About Diabetes

Top 6 Myths & Facts About Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease. It impacts the way our body processes glucose (sugar) in the blood. The food that we consume, primarily, breaks down into sugar and it flows into our bloodstreams. When the blood sugar levels cross up, the pancreas releases `insulin` to permit the blood sugar to enter the cells. If you have diabetes, your body is either not capable of making the insulin or can`t use the insulin already made. Following are some of the popular.

1. Myth: Eating an excessive amount of sugar causes diabetes.
Considering that diabetes includes breaking down sugar in the blood, it is natural for people to assume that excessive sugar consumption might reason diabetes.
FACT– High sugar intake does not directly reason diabetes. However, it could result in weight problems which will increase the threat of diabetes. Even diabetic patients don`t stop eating sugar altogether. Sugar is found in nearly everything we consume including fruits, vegetables, milk, and cakes. Hence it is to make an effective difference between natural sugar and added sugar. While natural sugar is important for a healthy and balanced diet, it is a synthetic sugar that desires to be avoided.

2. Myth: All kinds of diabetes are the same.
Another wide-(mis)spread delusion about diabetes is that each one the sorts of diabetes is the same. But it isn’t true. When actually the term `diabetes` is used, it commonly refers to Type 2 diabetes only. There is a significant difference among the different categories of diabetes.
FACT– Broadly, there are 3 forms of diabetes-
Type 1 Diabetes,
Type 2 Diabetes,
Gestational diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes happens when the body starts attacking itself and destroys the cells that produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the maximum common. It happens when the body fails to apply the insulin or isn’t capable of producing it. Gestational diabetes is in most cases seen in pregnant women because of hormonal changes.

However, the situation when the blood sugar level is higher than normal however not high enough to name the character diabetic is referred to as prediabetes.

3. Myth: Diabetes may be cured most effectively by medicines.
FACT- Medication and capsules represent a crucial factor of `Diabetes Treatment`. However, the alternative components are- a wholesome and nutritious diet; regular exercise, and maintaining a normal weight. These 3 components can significantly help in decreasing the dependency on medicines. For an effective nutritional intervention, a diabetes specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad can be consulted. Regular exercising is particularly beneficial for Type 2 diabetes. It also enables the regulation of cholesterol, blood pressure, and standard blood circulation.

4. Myth: Artificial sweeteners are safe.
FACT– Rising health worries cause the rise of the marketplace for artificial sweeteners. These are artificial sugar substitutes. They are a change to natural sugar because it truly adds no calories to the diet. It is used most effectively in a small fraction in comparison to natural sugar. However, research has proven that artificial sweeteners can be unsafe for health. It can affect the mind through impairing sensitivity to interoceptive signals and may cause different gastrointestinal problems. Also, we would end up overeating by the use of synthetic sweeteners because of over cravings.
Taking these in moderation – for example as soon as every few days is suitable though.

5. Myth: People with diabetes shouldn`t eat fruits.
FACT– Certainly diabetic patients are required to control their sugar consumption however there may be no damage in consuming natural sugar. Fruits, veggies, and milk represent natural sugar. They are rich in phytonutrients and fiber. In reality, certain fruits impressively help to modify high & low blood sugar levels. For example- Berries are rich in antioxidants; Tart cherries manage inflammation; Peaches, apricots, apples, oranges make contributions to a `diabetic-friendly` diet. But it is essential to discuss with the dietician or your Diabetes doctor regarding the number of fruits that you could eat in a day.

6. Myth: Diabetes is contagious.
FACT- It is regularly feared that diabetes is contagious. Some people question if diabetes may be transferred through saliva, blood, or sexual contact. However, medical science has confirmed that it is a non-communicable disease. Diabetes is an endocrine disorder. Therefore, it can not be transmitted like another blood-borne disease.

The changing lifestyles often pose a big risk for chronic illnesses which including diabetes. It is important to recognize well about its reasons and myths in order that an effective treatment may be given. Regular care at home and visits to the best diabetologist in Pimpri Chinchwad could be useful in treating it Dr. Abhishek Karmalkar is a Diabetes specialist and has more than 10 years of experience. Book your appointment now!

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